Friday, October 21, 2011


I have always struggled with the question 'why me?' Not in the self-pitying sense, but a question of blessings. 
Why was I blessed to be born in a country full of wealth? What did I do to deserve to be born into a Christian family who loves and cares for me? Why, when there are millions suffering, was I chosen to grow up in ignorance and comfort?
I know I have done nothing to deserve this. Yet I know that this life was meant for me. I know that before I was born, I was chosen and set apart. And before I was born He knew the plans He had for me, He knew my every step before I took it. The life I have led has not been by mistake or chance. It was chosen for me.
But I know that each of these gifts have been blessings. My life has been easy - I have never been without food or water. I have been well educated and have grown up with incredible friends who have always been there to support me. I've never had to suffer through abuse or torment and I've always been made to feel safe. All of which I take for granted.
Living here has begun to bring those already known truths to light. The stories often heard from the comfort of my living room sofa, church pew or school desk are no longer just stories. 
So why me? 
Because 'Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand more.' 
I was not blessed because I got lucky.
I was not blessed because I am worthy.
I was blessed to bless.

This year that takes the form of loving these precious kids. And whatever else He sees fit to entrust me with.


  1. You will bless them, your housemates, and everyone else you come in contact with. We love you!

  2. elizack@googlemail.comOctober 22, 2011 at 8:17 PM

    I was reading the story of the lepers in 1 Kings 7:3-11 earlier (internet Bible study) saw this v 9 'This is a day of good news. And we're keeping it to ourselves...'
    Yes we are blessed to bless ... and to share ... you've blessed me with your thoughts Lucy! Thanks. Liz
